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About the artist, and the purpose.

I am simply a person who understands that the hand of Love reaches to every created being. There is life and light and glorious redemption at work even in the here and now. I recognize this in nature, in prayer, and I see it though the windows of the soul. Within our world, there is also emptiness, pain and need. My eyes are opened to this as well. At one time, my life looked quite different on the outside than it really was. Deep in my heart, I was undone and without joy. This is when God's Love broke through. Some people departed from me, and others  entered my path. I began to write my

thoughts and to spill out brokenness on journal pages before God each day. Artistic expression became my deepest prayer. A wellspring of joy emerged. Wherever you are on the spectrum of emotion and experience today, there is a message from heaven for you here. God really loves us. He converts broken people to vessels in His own hand. He is on duty and reaching to us with His Love every single day. I really want you to know this. I want you to be reminded of His presence morning, noon and night. I want you to hear His voice and to receive Your intended inheritance from our Heavenly Father. As you see the art and read the descriptions, I believe that you will understand, even more, that the Goodness of His Great Love has been assigned to you all along. Thank you for supporting this message by buying art that speaks Love, and also sharing it with others. At Color of Glory Art, we partner with Mighty Redeemer Ministries to actively and financially support the homeless and needy in Angelina County, Texas, orphanage and missions work in Bangladesh, and in varied arms of ministry to those beloveds in need of care. When you purchase from us, you are a part of this ministry as well. Learn more about our passion to serve at Mighty Redeemer Ministries. We thank you, and in His Love, we are also

here for you, Rhonda and Adam Glazener

Color of Glory Art and Mighty Redeemer Ministries


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